Why the Hummingbird

I have questioned my life purpose for as long as I can remember. I have jumped around between so many different hobbie, interests and careers.

I have always been on a search for my ultimate passion- that’s what everyone says is the key to a fulfilled life, right? I created a Studio and taught people how to dance with sensation, connecting to their bodies, I qualified as a yoga teacher and hosted retreats, I started a novelty cake business and hosted craft days, I am a Reiki practitioner and practice crystal healing, I have studied meditation and mindfulness, considered animal healing and of course I travel and travel and travel… the list goes on… all of these things I have done with absolute passion, and most of them I still incorporate into my life with vigor.

But a little voice keeps saying to me…”Geesh Laura, can’t you stick to one thing and make it work?”. Until, a friend sent me a link to Elizabeth Gilbert’s podcast on Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations called “The curiosity-driven life”. Do yourselves a favor and listen:

The Flight of the Hummingbird: The Curiosity-Driven Life

I felt like dear Liz was speaking right to me… I don’t have to hammer away at one perceived passion for the rest of my life. That’s it! I am a Hummingbird! 

I am a hummingbird, flying from flower to flower, picking up all the information that the sweetness of life has to offer, and then, cross pollinating all these juicy bits across the world, to different people. 

Not only did the podcast resonate with me, but in January 2019 I saw hummingbirds for the very first time in Costa Rica and was in awe of these tiny, busy, beautiful souls.


Wondering about wandering around Kolkata