ReMembering: Women’s Gatherings

Coming home to your authentic essence

A community based, divine feminine approach to remembering your inner wisdom

With all the spiritual distractions available to us, we tend to go back to looking outside of ourselves for the answers.

We forget the core essence of our spiritual depth: That the wisdom is already within us.

Through the simplicity of stillness, nature and sacred community we can remember our true essence, our inner wisdom and remember that we are all connected to consciousness.

Remembering and awakening your divine feminine aspect, within a supportive community, you will be able to embody your authentic joy spark and share your sweet nectar with the world.

Please watch this video which explains the Wheel of the Year and why we use it in the divine feminine approach

What’s Included

Connection to Community.

Monthly 2.5 hour in person community circles:

Based on themes centred around accessing the divine feminine ,(see detail below) we will come together in circle, share experiences and I will share techniques on how to tap into your inner wisdom.

Most Gatherings will be held on Tuesday evenings

Always 7:30pm - 10pm. Location varies between Fort Canning Park or my home in Siglap

Upcoming dates:

16 April

14 May

11 June

9 July

13 Aug

Connection to Nature.

One outdoor conscious dance session per quarter:

These are facilitated conscious dance journeys, combined with somatic movement, blindfolded to start, wireless headsets and mindfulness techniques surrounded by nature…. Blended into a juicy unique offering.

Please keep an eye on the Event’s page for upcoming sessions

Connection to Self.

One Cacao Ceremony per quarter:

In my signature Cacao Ceremonies, I hold space for you to connect deeply to your inner wisdom. With a deep respect for the sacred plant of ixCacao, conscious movement, energy healing and shamanic journeying, you are in a safe space to receive that wisdom.

Please keep an eye on the Event’s page for upcoming sessions

Techniques, teachings and wisdom share examples:

  • Somatic Techniques to gain awareness of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical self.

  • Techniques to ground and centre yourself, and how to listen to nature's whispers

  • Manifestation techniques based on feelings rather than linear goals

  • Understanding menstrual cycle awareness

  • Understanding the Wheel of the Year: Working with natures cycles to enhance your divine feminine creativity and action


Access to playlists

Access to audio meditations

Book recommendations and journal prompts

Additional discounts:

10% off 90 minute Intuitive Energy & Crystal Healing or Spiritual Coaching sessions during the quarter of membership

10% off additional Cacao Ceremonies offered during the quarter of membership

10% off workshops offered during the quarter of membership

What Can I Expect?

What Can I Expect?

The first gathering of each month, I will introduce techniques and themes based on wisdom of nature and our own bodies, somatically integrating them, so that we can learn through FEELING and SENSATION

$149 per quarter

Valued at $270

3 in-person community gatherings
1 Cacao Ceremony
1 outdoor dance journey
Discounts listed above
SGD 149.00
Every 3 months

✓ Refer to discounts and inclusions above

One time payment of $149 will give you access for 3 months.

Your subscription will auto renew every 3 months, but you may manually cancel it if you just want to sign up for one quarter.

You are not alone

My constant search for the unknown has led me to understand that we are all on a journey of self-discovery, in our own way.

That by having the support of others who have been through similar experiences, we can realise that we are not alone, but we can also find the strength within ourselves to heal.

ReMembership: Coming home to your authentic essence

✓ Refer to discounts and inclusions above