My Story

Hi, I’m Laura!

We all have our own perspective of the world. How we choose to tell our story makes us masters of our destiny. This is my story.

I chose a career in the finance industry for many reasons - but mainly because I wanted to ensure that I would forever be financially independent.

This career stood me in good stead for the better part of two decades. It gave me the confidence that I can achieve anything I set my mind on. I learnt about a level of resilience that came from within, I learnt leadership skills from inspiring mentors. It taught me the necessity of trust, teamwork, humility, and respect.

However, I was my own worst enemy. My constant drive for perfection, being motivated by a fear of failure, ego and external recognition took a toll on my health.

I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression in my early twenties. I ignored these signs from my body and mind - despite even being hospitalized with burnout in my early thirties.

Instead of slowing down, I recovered and went straight back into the lion’s den, determined to prove that I could conquer myself with force!

I learnt the hard way.

My constant search for the unknown has led me to understand that we are all on a journey of self-discovery, in our own way. That by having the support of others who have been through similar experiences, we can realise that we are not alone, but we can also find the strength within ourselves to heal.

How I healed Myself

A Journey Of Self-discovery

For a while, I was always on a search to find people and practices that could help me; that could “fix me”.

From psychologists, psychiatrists, running, Pilates, Yoga, Nia and other dance forms, meditation, Secret Sunrise, Kinesiology, Reiki, TRE, Kahuna Massage, reflexology, nutrition, homeopathy, connecting to nature, shadow work, Cacao Ceremonies, Red Tent Moon circles, mindfulness, mantra meditation and chanting, I discovered different tools to heal myself throughout my journey. Some of them have become part of my everyday. Others I draw on as necessary.

By embracing different teachings and attending various courses, learning from my own experiences and sharing my journey with others. while being open to the lessons that life brings, I healed myself.

Through this journey, I learnt that by being in balance with both the masculine and feminine aspects of myself, appreciating the strengths and weaknesses of both sides, I feel like my most authentic self. I now work from a place of self-trust and alignment, instead of feeling stuck, frustrated, and angry.

Healing my body and mind has been the greatest gift. I feel empowered, balanced and free.

I have been supported in discovering and embodying what I know works for me. I am truly grateful for the healers and teachers that have been part of my journey and that continue to inspire me every day.

My life today.

Today, I know that to feel healthy and strong, I need to be disciplined and start each day with mindful meditation practices to strengthen the muscles in my mind, and a form of mindful movement - yoga, dance or anything endorphin raising.

I also know how important it is for me to connect with my “tribe” of like-minded people, whether it be through a one-on-one chat, Cacao Ceremonies, Feminine Dance circles or Secret Sunrise. I have had profound healing shifts when I find communities where I feel connected, where I feel I belong.

Of course, I also still connect to my healers - reflexologists, kinesiologists, therapists, reiki practitioners and alike when I need the support because today I know I don’t need to go it alone.

Beyond healing myself, all my searching and learning has revealed to me that I want to serve a bigger purpose. I want to look back and feel like my life was worthwhile and I want to help others feel the same way.

Armed with this purpose, my diverse skills and knowledge, I help my clients unlock the power of mindfulness and to change their lives.

Through my work, my clients gain perspective, feel supported, empowered, inspired, connected and have the courage to overcome what’s holding them back from feeling joy and living their full lives.

Ready to grow?

Get in touch to start your journey!