Wheel of the Year Celebrations

Remembering your deep connection to the earth and its cycles

The turning of the wheel is celebrated in many earth based and tribal communities.
It is a chance for us to remember our own natural flow, in sync with the flow of nature and her

These days of solstice, equinoxes and cross quarter days are a time when the veil to connect
with the otherworld is thin.

In October we start with Samhain and with each following stage, I guide you around
the sacred thresholds of the eight sabbats (festivals).

At each stage a sacred celebration is held, shifting deeply with our
journey of the inner feminine, integrating the energies of masculine and understanding how to
gently and naturally navigate our life force energy alongside the cycles of the natural world.

I invite you to join me in these sacred celebrations that are from my heart to yours,
allowing the ancient wisdom of my ancestors and practices of Pagan, Druid, Wiccan and Celtic origin to rekindle the knowing
deep within you.

What’s included?

  • A 2-3 hour in-person sisterhood gathering

  • Carefully curated playlist

  • Crafts, meditation, magic rituals and celebration specific to the Sabbat

  • Fire ceremony, magical herbs for offerings

  • Celtic Tree wisdom of the Ogham alphabet

  • Home crafted anointing oil and home bakes treat specific to the sabbat

  • $60 per person.